2025 Pike Farmers Market
June 7-August 23
5429 Lafayette Road
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Parking Lot of
Common Ground Church

The Pike Farmers Market will return on Saturday, June 7, 2025 for its fourth season! The 2025 Pike Farmers Market will be open Saturdays, June 7-August 23 from 8:30 AM to 12 PM. The market serves the Pike Township community as well as the greater northwest Indianapolis. The Market is located at 5429 Lafayette Road Indianapolis IN 46254, in the parking lot of Common Ground West Church. All vendors are local with locally grown produce and/or locally made products.
Questions? email info@pikefarmersmarket.org or call 317.374.6629

Pike Farmers Market Emergency Procedures 

The following is the contingency plan that is to go into effect during the Pike Farmers Market should the need arise. This plan is to be used during weather events or any circumstances deemed necessary during the operational hours of the PFM. 

The change of conditions will be noted by a sign in the Information booth. 

No threat, normal operations. 

Possible threat of severe storms within 100 miles of Indianapolis. Vendors and olunteers will be put on low-level alert. 
• Ensure that weights are properly secured to each tent leg 

Likely threat of severe storms within 50 miles tracking towards Indianapolis area. 
• Drop tents to lowest height 
• Secure your belongings 
• Be prepared to go to a place of safety (your vehicle or church building) 

Red/Three Air Horn Blows 
Imminent threat of severe storms within 20 miles of Indianapolis and tracking towards the PFM. Also applies if there is a public disturbance (fire, shots fired, chemical spill, etc.). A code red necessitates suspension of the PFM until such time that all emergency agencies affected and PFM officials determine PFM can resume safely. 
• Take shelter immediately (in your vehicle or church building) until released by Market Manager or Emergency Authorities
• Instruct customers to immediately take shelter inside church building
• Market is considered closed until emergency authorities determine otherwise or if the threat goes on longer than 45 minutes, the market will be closed for the day.

If severe weather occurs during set up time, the PFM will be delayed in opening up to 1 hour.